APK Expert.Animal husbandry.Poultry farming, an information and analytical journal.
Circulation: 10,000 copies . Format: A4. Output 4 times a year.
The electronic version of the magazine is available in the AppStore/Google Play
Distribution of the printed version in all regions of Russia.
The magazine for specialists in dairy and meat husbandry, poultry, pig breeding, veterinary medicine, feed, equipment, technologies Promotes goods and services in the online and offline sphere, which includes the agroindustrial Complex Expert Livestock magazine.
APK Expert.Animal husbandry.Poultry farming, an information and analytical journal.
Circulation: 10,000 copies . Format: A4. Output 4 times a year.
The electronic version of the magazine is available in the AppStore/Google Play
Distribution of the printed version in all regions of Russia.
The magazine for specialists in dairy and meat husbandry, poultry, pig breeding, veterinary medicine, feed, equipment, technologies Promotes goods and services in the online and offline sphere, which includes the agroindustrial Complex Expert Livestock magazine.Poultry farming and video format: creation and distribution of videos on the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/@sdgroupp Zen https://dzen.ru/sdgroupcompany , on social media https://t.me/sdgroupteam , VK https://vk.com/sdgroupcompany
344068, Ростовская область, г. Ростов-на-Дону, ул. Евдокимова, дом 102 Б, офис 45
Adress: 344068, , Russia, Rostov region, Ростов-на-Дону, ул. Евдокимова, дом 102 Б, офис 45